Trainings in Photovoltaics - Design, operation and maintenance of PV systems, on- and off-grid, simulation tools, Floating PV...
INES - National Institute for Solar Energy
on location
from 01/12/22 to 01/12/30
Knowledge Of Electricity

Fabrication, characterization and ageing of PV modules: Theory and technological responses - Module-based program: level and duration tailored upon request
INES - National Institute for Solar Energy
on location
from 01/12/22 to 01/12/24
Manufacturing standard silicon PV cells: Theory and technological responses - Module-based program: level and duration tailored upon request
INES - National Institute for Solar Energy
on location
from 01/12/22 to 01/12/24
Principle of PV cells and the different PV cell technologies - Module-based program: level and duration tailored upon request
INES - National Institute for Solar Energy
on location
from 01/12/22 to 01/12/24